Thursday, March 13, 2025

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011


Jumat, Februari 18, 2011 | ,

Title: 파스타 / Pasta
Chinese Title: 義大利麵
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 20
Size: 600-700Mb/ Epsd
Subtitle: English
Broadcast Network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2010-Jan-04 to 2010-March-09
Directed by: Kwon Seok-jang (권석장)
Screenwriter: Seo Sook Hyang (서숙향)  
Gong Hyo Jin as Seo Yoo Kyung
Lee Sun Gyun as Choi Hyun Wook
Lee Ha Nui as Oh Sae Young
Alex as Kim San

Extended Cast
Jang Yong as Seo Jong Gyu (Yoo Kyung’s father)
Kim Dong Hee as Seo Yoo Shik (Yoo Kyung’s brother)
Song Ok Sook as (Yoo Kyung’s mother)
Byun Jung Soo as Kim Kang (Kim San’s sister)
Choi Jae Hwan as Jung Eun Soo
No Min Woo as Philip
Hyun Woo as Lee Ji Hoon
Baek Bong Ki as Min Seung Jae
Heo Tae Hee as Han Sang Sik
Yoon Yong Hyun as Kwang Tae
Kim Tae Ho as Sun Woo Duk
Lee Hyung Chul as Geum Suk Ho
Jo Sang Ki as Jung Ho Nam
Ha Jae Sook as Lee Hee Joo
Lee Sung Min as Seol Joon Suk
Son Sung Yoon as Park Chan Hee
Jung Da Hye as Park Mi Hee
Choi Min Sung as Ne Mo
Ryu Seung Bum (cameo, ep9) 

Synopsis English
“Pasta” covers the dreams and success of a young woman who aspires to become an elite chef at La Sfera restaurant.
Seo Yoo Kyung started her career as a kitchen assistant at La Sfera restaurant. She eventually works her way up to become a chef.
Choi Hyun Wook is the top chef at La Sfera restaurant. He studied the culinary arts in Italy and started out as a chef assistant at a hotel in Sicily. Hyun Wook eventually worked his way up to become the most widely recognized Italian chef in Korea.

Drama ini tentang restaurant Italia. Lee Seon Gyun sebagai kepala chef yang nyinyir, sementara Gong Hyo Jin sebagai asistennya. Ceritanya sudah pasti gampang ditebak.
Karakter Lee menggambarkan seseorang yang susah sekali menerima kenyataan bahwa wanita juga berbakat, ia tidak mau mengakui bakat wanita. Ini ada hubungannya dengan masa lalunya. Sifatnya ini membuat Lee selalu bermusuhan dengan Gong di dapur.

- 2010 MBC Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actress (Gong Hyo Jin)
- 2010 MBC Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (Lee Sun Gyun and Gong Hyo Jin)

Episode 13 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs
Episode 14 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs
Episode 15 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs
Episode 16 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs
Episode 17 [001 | 002] || subs
Episode 18 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs
Episode 19 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs
Episode 20 [001 | 002 | 003] || subs

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